
Contentra is specialize in offering professional eBook conversion

Our services from one file format to another to libraries, publishers, educational institutions, news aggregators and authors across the globe. We are specialised in converting the Academic Books, Children Books, Cook Books, Magazines and Periodicals into different kind of eBook formats such as Reflow-able EPUB2, EPUB3, Fixed Layout EPUB, Accessible EPUB, KF8 (MOBI), Interactive PDF, Flip Book, Digital Talking Books, RePub etc.

    PubBox is a complete eBook conversion workflow solution offering highly automated procedure for extracting text, images and metadata. Our PubBox platform is a flexible rational agent that perceives input (Books/Magazine) material layout environment and takes actions accordingly to convert the output coding. With use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools our processing software stores information of the layout in its database (memory) and behave accordingly if it finds similar environment anywhere else in the book or magazine.

    • Our eBooks workflow solution publishes EBOOKS in multiple formats for multiple devices including Kindle, Google and Barnes & Noble
    • Built on Web standards using proven open-source technologies 
    • Designed to accept multiple input file formats – source InDesign files, PDFs, Word and other popular format 
    • Produces RePub, Replica XML, MOBI, ePub2 and ePub3 files compatible with leading devices and platforms
    • Language Expertise: major European languages as well as Arabic, Chinese and all major Indian languages.

    Amazon Kindle