Conversion from XML to HTML allows structured data to be presented visually on websites, and from HTML to XML, it enables data to be repurposed for backend processing, data sharing, or integration with other systems.

XML still lives today, mainly because it is platform agnostic. XML has become very popular as a language for data conversion as the available technology has come of age to be able to match with its requirements. Today, it is one of the most widely used data conversion languages.

Contentra has vast experience in XML conversion. We have successfully completed a large-scale project involving the digitization of all backlist titles for leading publishing houses, libraries and academic institutions across the globe. The input material covers wide range of subjects like science, literature, mathematics, fiction, non-fiction etc. Some of the very popular and demanding XML Schema we have used for XML coding are: DTBook, JAT-BITS, TEI, DOCBOOK, NLM, METS-ALTO, NITF etc. 

Our mass digitization software NewsBox and BookBox have the provision to extract the text from input files and transform it in to XML format which further is checked and validated by the experts.




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